Log Viewer

With the All In One Log Viewer, you can view all the recorded activity.

There are Seven types of logs:

"Textual", "Chat", "Web", "File", "Audio", "WebCam" Log and "Visual" Log.
For viewing one of the above:

1) Choose the date of the wanted activity.
2) Pick one of the following options from the "View log by date" section:

- View Textual Log.
- View Chat Log.
- View Web Log.
- View File Log.
- View Audio Log.
- View Visual Log.
- View WebCam Log.

For viewing the entire (Not by date) Web / Chat / File / Textual log:

Pick one of the following options from the "View entire log" section:
- View Textual Log.
- View Chat Log.
- View Web Log.
- View File Log.
- View Audio Log.
- View Visual Log.
- View WebCam Log.

Go To Textual Log / Go To Visual Log

After selecting the "View Web Log", "View Visual Log" or "View WebCam Log" option, you get the Web/Visual/WebCam log entries (Rows).
After selecting one of these Log Rows and then pressing on the "Go To Textual Log" option, the Keylogger
will show you the Textual Log with the same date of that selected row date, and will select the row/entry
with the nearest timestamp to that selected row timestamp that you chose in the Web/Visual/WebCam log.

After selecting the "View Textual Log" or "View File Log" or "View Chat Log" option, the "Go To Visual Log" will be available.

The "Go To" option can be very helpful:
For example, you press the "View Web log" option and select this entry:
www.some-domain.com/login.htm with this 02/02/20013 10:05:01 timestamp.
Pressing on the "Go To Textual Log" will take you to the Textual Log for the date 02/02/2013
and will select for you the entry with the closest timestamp to 10:05:01.
This way you will be able to see the keystrokes typed in that site (if there were such).
(If you do not see the keystrokes for the row/entry that the keylogger selected, then look
a few rows below or above that row)

Filter Empty Rows:

By selecting this option, the Log Viewer allows you to see only the windows the user actually typed in.

Generate HTML Reports:

The Log Viewer allows you to generate HTML reports.
*   The All In One Log Viewer can generate HTML reports for "Textual" "Chat" "File" and "Web" logs.
     This is done by pressing on
     the desired date, selecting the log type and pressing on the "HTML Report" option.
*   If you select the "View The Entire Log" and then select the "HTML Report"
     - the report will contain the entire log.
*   If you select the "Filter Empty Rows" option and then select the "HTML Report" -
     the report will not contain empty rows (Windows that do not contains keystrokes).
*   You can combine the last two options.

Generate Plain Text Reports:

The Log Viewer allows you to generate plain-text reports.
*   The All In One Log Viewer can generate plain-text reports for "Textual"
     "Chat" "File" and "Web" logs.
     This is done by pressing on the desired date, selecting the log type and pressing
     on the "Plain Text Report" option.
*   If you select the "View The Entire Log" option, and then select the
     "Plain Text Report" - the report will contain the entire log.
*   If you select the "Filter Empty Rows" option, and then select the
    "Plain Text Report" - the report will not contain empty rows
     (Windows that do not contains keystrokes).
*   You can combine the last two options.

Extract Visual/WebCam Log:

The Log Viewer allows you to convert the Visual/WebCam Log file (Screenshots or WebCam file) to images files.
*   This is done by selecting the desired date, selecting the View Visual or WebCam Log option
     and pressing on the "Extract Visual Log" or "Extract WebCam Log" in the Log Viewer menu.
*   Each extracted image file will have a name in this format:

Extract Audio Log:

The Log Viewer allows you to copy all Audio Log files from Keylogger log folder to another location on your computer.
*   This is done by pressing on the "Extract Audio Log" in the Log Viewer menu.
*   Each extracted audio file will have a name in this format: Time.wav.

Mark Dates With Logs

The Log Viewer can let you know on which dates a log file exists, by marking the dates on the Viewer Calendar.
It allows you to mark dates for a specific log type (Textual, Chat, Web, File, WebCam, Visual, and Audio).

Deleting Log

The Log Viewer allows you to delete specific log types created on specific dates by choosing one of the "Delete A Chosen Date" options.
There is also the ability to delete all logs of a specific type, by choosing one of the "Delete Entire Log" options.
Another useful feature of the Log Viewer, is the ability to search for a specific string in the wanted Textual\Chat\File\Web log.

For viewing attached logs you received by e-mail:

a) Save the attached file(s) on the hard disk.
b) Open "All In One Keylogger" and select Log Viewer in the main screen menu.
c) Set the desired date on the Log Viewer calendar.
d) Click "Open Log File" option in the Log Viewer left menu, and browse for the saved log file.

To return the Log-Viewer and the left Log Viewer menu to its default settings (I.E to show you local logs) press the
"Reset Log Viewer" option. (Same as closing and reopening the Log Viewer).

If you checked the "Send Textual, Chat, File and Web log in HTML format option,
then do steps (b), (c) and (d) only for viewing the Visual log.
The Textual, Chat, File & Web log (.htm extension) will be opened by your browser after you
double-click them."

For viewing logs you downloaded from the FTP server:

1) Login to the FTP server.
2) Look and open the folder the keylogger created (ftp reports).
3) Download the folder that contains the wanted report to your local Drive.
   (The folder name format is Month_Day_Year_Hour_Minute_Second
   determined by the time the keylogger sent that report).
4) Open All In One Keylogger and press on the Log Viewer option.
5) Select the View Remote Logs option at the Log Viewer side-tree.
6) Browse and select the "Log" folder located under the folder you downloaded
   from the FTP server.

To return the Log-Viewer to its default settings (I.E to show you local logs) press the
"Reset Log Viewer" option. (Same as closing and reopening the Log Viewer).

If you checked the "Upload Textual, Chat, File and Web log in HTML format option,
then do steps (4), (5) and (6) only for viewing the Visual log.
The Textual, Chat, File & Web log (.htm extension) will be opened by your browser after you
double-click them."

For viewing logs from a remote computer:

The Log Viewer default path, is the path you set in the "log maintenance section" (where the keylogger logs the activity).  
You can set the Log Viewer to show logs that are not located in the default path. After doing so, the Log Viewer will use the  
new path as the default.
(for example: pressing on the delete option after setting the new path will be made on files located on the new path).
Pressing on the "View Remote Logs" option will allow you to set the new path
(you must choose the directory named  "Log" ).

*    The structure of the folder must be as the keylogger saves it.
*    This will not affect the path the keylogger saves the logs.
*    Closing the Log Viewer will restore the default path.
*    You can use this option for viewing logs you saved on your computer in
      different paths from the default - eg. logs you received by e- mail.      
      (As long as the structure of the folder 
stays as it was).

To return the Log-Viewer to its default settings (I.E to show you local logs) press the
"Reset Log Viewer" option. (Same as closing and reopening the Log Viewer).

Reset Log Viewer:

After opening an external log file (Using the "Open Log File" option) or viewing
Remote Logs (Using the "View Remote Log" option) the Viewer will show you logs from
a different path and the Left menu will be changed according to the log type.
Pressing the "Reset Log Viewer" option will reset the Log Viewer and the
left menu to its default settings (Same as closing and reopening the Log Viewer).

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