Advanced Settings


Disable anti-spy software.

After checking this option, All In One Keylogger will:
1) Try to shutdown pre-defined anti-keylogger software.
2) Monitor and prevent loading pre-defined anti-keylogger software.

If you need to block an undefined anti-keylogger program, then you
can use the "Try to prevent loading these programs ..." option.

You can find the wanted program title in the keylogger Log Viewer.
Just press that program and its title will be shown in the textual log.

Don't log these Windows user accounts: (separate accounts with semicolon).

After checking this option, All In One Keylogger will not log the Windows accounts listed in this list.
Pressing "My User" button will append your Windows account user name to the list.

Try to prevent loading these programs: (separate program titles with a semicolon).

After checking this option, All In One Keylogger will:
1) Try to shutdown all programs in this input.
2) Monitor and prevent loading all programs in this input.

You need to type the program title in this input. 

You can find the wanted program title in the keylogger Log Viewer.
Just press that program and its title will be shown in the textual log.

Allow partial titles matching.

Choosing this option will block all programs whose title contains one of the titles you set.
Otherwise only programs whose title completely matches one of these titles will be blocked.

Block these URL's (Every URL in a new line. You can enter the exact URL or part of it).

Choosing this option will block the access to sites whose URL's contain/equal to
one of the URL's you set.
You can enter the exact URL or part of it ( or just site-name).
Keylogger will close the browser when surfing to one of the blocked URL's.

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